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Do you want to learn more about the pelvic floor and pelvic health?

I offer various workshops ( see below ) on pelvic health. The workshops are presented live ( “live” ) on Zoom. It is possible to participate anonymously by changing your Zoom ID and turning off your camera if you wish. Some workshops are also offered in replay.

These workshops do not replace individual follow-up in perineal rehabilitation, however, they offer you information and exercises that will help you better understand how your body works, connect to your pelvic floor and optimize your pelvic health from the start. now!

By registering for a specialized workshop (on incontinence, pain during sexual relations, etc.), you will have free access to the workshop "My pelvic floor, my foundation!" »  which will be presented live on November 8, 2021 and then available for replay.


To be kept informed of the workshops that I will offer soon, you can also subscribe to my Facebook page .

Survey to find out your needs and interests

In order to offer workshops by prioritizing the greatest needs and interests, I created a survey.  By answering this survey, you help me know the most pressing topics to discuss. To have your topic of interest prioritized, please complete the survey.

Workshops offered

My pelvic floor, my foundation!


Monday, November 8, 2021, 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

To register  and find out more...

GOOD abs 


Monday, December 6, 2021, 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

To register  and find out more...

No more leaks! 


Monday, November 15, 2021, 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

To register  and find out more...

Why do I have pain when I make love? 


Monday, December 20, 2021, 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

To register  and find out more...

Resuming or starting running after giving birth


**This workshop is offered in replay

To register  and find out more...

Upcoming workshops in 2022...

“P erineum and sexuality  »  

Yoga for a better  floor  pelvic  »  

No more back pain!  »  

Perinatal series  

"In full  form  during my pregnancy  

“I am preparing to give birth with confidence  

« What to do in the first 6 weeks after giving birth  »  

"I return to sport with confidence and safety after giving birth "  

“I can confidently resume my sexual activities after giving birth  

And more!


Do these workshops interest you? Take this survey to let me know!

To be kept informed of the workshops that I will offer soon, subscribe to my Facebook page .

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